The Way You Make Me Smile

Thursday 10 May 2012

i ♥ them :3

Hey guys,whatsup?ok,today ak mok cer sal classmate ku :) hmm,i really2 love my classmate.we are take care of each other,just like family :) law kau boring?law kau putus cinta?mok tempat meluah?drng akn selalu ada tuk ak,thats why i love them so fucking damn much :)

Asal ak diam sak drng ak tyk toe,'icha npa kau' haha.funny jga laa kdng2 law ak diam drng tyk gtoe.etoe menunjukkan drng btl2 care ma ak :) drng nda besa bha toe law ak ak ne kuat btl b'cap,ktwa pon cm pontiank =..= haha,tp?bg drng toe lucu law ak ktwa :D dear friends,thanks for all ur support,kindness,and everthings laa,i love you all!muaaaaaaaaaah!XOXO.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

13 sings you're falling in ♥

Haha,ak netaw swa mok cer pa di blog ak ne :D tetba ak jmpa this cute quotes.btl kaa juak ne?hoho.btw,sorry to u all sebab lma swa nda update ne blog :) peace!